Pinpoint Your Priorities

Frazzled by too much on your to-do list? Frustrated that you’re not getting anything done?

We’ll have you focused and fired up again in no time!

Are you up to your eyes in to-do lists?

Got so much to do, you don't know what should come first?

Some days you’re flitting around from one thing to another, not getting anything done.

And others you’re paralysed with inaction because it’s all too much.

You’re constantly beating yourself up. It shouldn’t be this hard!

Despite what all the influencers would have you believe, running your own business is really hard sometimes.

It’s so easy for things to run away with you.

Stop and take a breather. 

Next, gather all your notes together and make yourself a brew.

I’ll help you untangle everything and get you back on track.

In this intensive two-hour Teams call we end all the chaos. You tell me everything on your mind about work and offload all your worries and to-do’s. I ask questions as we go and figure out the priority order. We agree what needs doing now and plan what comes later.

You leave the call armed with a simple action plan, feeling calm, in control, and knowing exactly what your next steps are.

We schedule a further one-hour call a fortnight later to help you keep up the momentum. We’ll check in on how everything’s going, and address anything new that’s come up for you since we last spoke. 

You get a confidential, safe space to talk things through and figure it all out, with me bringing a second pair of eyes and another business brain to give the outside perspective that’s missing when you’re in it on your own. 

The Pinpoint Your Priorities sessions mirror the exact first step I take with clients in my flagship programme, The Power Partnership, so are the perfect cost-effective solution if you need a fast intervention to rid you of overwhelm and get you back into action.


“Before working with Caroline, I was overwhelmed and disorganised with a side order of that sinking feeling. I run my business alone and was stuck in a rut with no one to turn to. We started our work together with a big brain dump call which was like a therapy session! I gathered all my to do lists and other bits and pieces I had scribbled all over the place and literally off-loaded them onto Caroline.

She captured everything in one simple document and was instantly able to see what needed prioritising – a review of my legal terms and associate agreement. It was such a relief to get an outside perspective on things and as a bonus Caroline also recommended some trusted contacts to help me with both pieces of work.

Caroline and I have worked together continuously since our Refocus & Revive Session back in January 2022. My relationship with her has been one of the best working relationships I’ve formed since becoming self-employed a decade ago. It can be a lonely place running your own business and just having somebody who understands, doesn’t panic, and listens to my rants and magically works it into an action plan has been a total lifesaver.” 

Emma Watkins, Director, Prospero Planning Ltd

“Before working with Caroline my head felt like a tangled bowl of spaghetti. I’d been working as a VA for a few years and wanted to move in a new direction. I’d had the idea of specialising as a Zoom co-host for a while but was really struggling to do everything I needed to make it happen when keeping the VA work going too.

I was overwhelmed with too much to do and I needed someone to help me sort it all out so I knew what to concentrate on first. I needed to be accountable to somebody so I’d get on with it too. Things were getting to be too much for me so that’s when I contacted Caroline.

After just one session with her my head felt clearer. I didn’t feel so overwhelmed and I really felt like I had some direction and purpose back in my business. There was so much to look forward to and get excited about.

Caroline was patient and kind with me and I would highly recommend her to anyone that is feeling overwhelmed and needing some direction in their business.”

Lisa Heleniak, Director, LMH Virtual Assistants Ltd (The Zoom Genie)

“Before working with Caroline, I had become completely overwhelmed by everything I needed to do to get my business up and running properly. I was trying to do everything all at once and so, of course, I was seeing very little progress.

Caroline helped me to take back control from the very beginning. We started with a brain dump call where I was able to get everything out of my head. Caroline captured all the details and guided me on how best to prioritise it all.

After that first session, it was clear that I needed to pinpoint exactly who I was helping and what I was selling to them. Everything had got so jumbled because I’d had so many different ideas I was working on, but Caroline sorted them all out for me. 

She reassured me that we weren’t throwing all my ideas away, just parking them in a safe place to make mental and emotional space for me to be able to work on an actual product I can sell!

Our work isn’t done yet. My course is taking shape nicely now and Caroline will then guide me as I start marketing it to my audience. THANK YOU for all your help so far, Caroline!” xx

Elsa McLennan, McLennan-Lynch Consulting

It's like therapy for your business!


My Pinpoint Your Priorities clients are always so relieved at the end of our calls! No more jumbled thoughts just a clear and simple action plan. They know what to do and when. Most importantly, they’re back to taking action.

If you want to feel focused instead of frazzled, then book your sessions now.

Only £495

More About Me

Clients have told me that I have a brain like a super-computer. Makes me sound like a right nerd, doesn’t it?! It comes from my employed days where I was often thrown in the deep end with no instructions other than “You’re now responsible for this. Here are some files to read.”

That particular file dump revealed the extent of a new challenge for me. I had to get to grips with three ISO standards and everything entailed in getting the organisation through a gruelling four-day audit to keep its certifications. I had six months.

My to-do list was soon as long as both my arms, but rather than being engulfed by rising panic, I was able to pinpoint exactly what needed doing first and what could wait until later. Step one was to get myself on a course (pronto), and step two was to bring in additional resource to help me. 

Then it was just work through everything else, one step at a time. Never giving in. Sure, other priorities threw me off track from time to time, but I kept going back to my list and picked up where I’d left off.

I made it through. We passed the audit with only four minor points to address. The following year, we totally nailed it and passed with flying colours!

It’s so easy to get overrun by too many things to do, especially if you’re on your own in business. You can get so caught up in all the tiny details, it’s hard to see a way forward. If you need someone to help you navigate a way through the mess, we should talk. 😊


No. The whole point of us working together is to end the overwhelm you’re currently feeling and strip out unnecessary things from your business. I don’t want you to worry about anything like taking notes or listening to recordings.

I want you to show up on our calls and focus on getting everything out of your head. I’ll make notes of everything we discuss and send you your new, shorter to-do list after the call.

You’ll get an auto email to book the second session directly into my calendar as soon as the first call is over.

All you need to do is fill out the questions on screen when you book the call. If you want, you can email me with more detail, but it’s not necessary. 😊

On the day of our call please bring your notebook, post-its, and any other scribbles you’ve made about things you need to do and any worries you have.

Yes, you can. Book a call with me here, and we’ll sort out the details. 😊 

Want to work with me but need a chat first?