The Power Partnership

Become a leader in your field by mastering your to-do lists, professionalising your business, and bringing more ideas to life.

You’ve been in business for years now and turning a healthy profit.

From the outside, it looks like you've got all your sh*t together, but the truth is, you often feel like you're about to get caught out.

There are heaps of things you never get around to.

Areas to improve and places to minimise risk.

Don’t forget all those new ideas that need implementing. And endless opportunities to grasp.

The challenge is always the same: finding the time and space to do everything.

Ensuring your clients get the best from you AND developing your biz at the same time.

You’ve done all the mindset work and outsourced what you can, but still don’t feel on top of things.

You’re disorganised, overwhelmed, and feel like everything might come crashing down around you.

There’s so much bogging you down that every day feels like you’re trudging through treacle. 

Progress has stalled and you just don’t see how it’s possible to realise all your goals. 

You’re frustrated and so blooming lonely shouldering all the burden on your own.

Running your own business wasn't supposed to be this hard, was it?

There is another, easier way.

Just imagine:

You can have it all! And we’ll do it together. 🥰

Here’s how:

We set aside two hours each month for our check-ins, automatically making YOUR stuff an equal priority to your client work.

We kick off with a big old brain dump to sort through everything in your head, notebooks, and post-its. Then we set them out in priority order, and tackle them one at a time.

On our fortnightly calls:

We agree what we’re going to get done between each call, taking it one step at a time.

It’s not just you who’ll be taking action though. I’ll roll up my sleeves and run with new projects for you. I can cover everything from research and planning to delivery, whether that’s doing the work for you, with you, or coordinating other experts to help.

I’ll also tackle those complex or yawn-inducing projects you never get around to. 🤓

Things like:

*These projects are supported by guidance from specialists at additional cost.

My inner nerd is happy doing technical work and you can go after bigger, bolder opportunities knowing that your behind the scenes ops match up to the calibre of your personal brand. 🔥


When I look around and see so many talented businesswomen making a difference in the world, it fills me with hope for the future. You’ve ditched the suits and are no longer held back by corporate machinery and old-fashioned attitudes. You’re doing it on your own! And my goodness, you do it so well (even though I know you don’t always think so).

You are:

I created the Power Partnership to help you do more and do it better.

You’re the visionary with the ideas, passion and inspiration who’s built and grown an impressive business. I’m the integrator who plans, manages, organises and maintains momentum.

Together, we’d be unstoppable!

The Power Partnership

The support I provide is a blend of:

Consultancy – I share everything I’ve learned so far from my years working in environments from local government to engineering, to my own adventures in business, and supporting dozens of other women with theirs. 

Only the parts you need, obviously. I’m not about to teach your granny how to suck eggs.

Strategy – Clients come to me when they’re overloaded with things to do and paralysed by inaction because of it. I help prioritise your to-do’s and break them down into manageable chunks. 

Need a new idea working up into an action plan and seeing through to completion? I’ve got you covered there, too.

Accountability – I make sure you get through your new, manageable to-do list and keep track of everything, so you don’t have to. 

We can also schedule co-working sessions if you need additional support to get trickier stuff sorted.

Clarity – You can confide in me any doubts, fears, and problems and I bring objectivity to proceedings, helping you overcome them and encouraging you as you keep taking action.

Done For You – I’ll take care of complex projects that aren’t in your skill set. I will handle occasional admin tasks too, but if you need long-term admin support, like someone to monitor your inbox or schedule your social media posts, you’d be best hiring a VA.

Ready to get going? Book a call with me now to check if we’re a good fit. 👇

More About Me

Oh it can be so hard as a solo business owner, can’t it? You thought that once you’d got past the “trying-to-find-more- clients-phase” you’d be set! Now the challenge is keeping up with everything when you’ve got a full client roster and want to have a life too.

Of course, you can outsource your admin and take on a team of associates to support your clients, but who helps you with the strategic stuff?

That’s what I’m here for! 🙋‍♀️

I’ve spent my entire working life getting stuff done, whether setting up an in-house HR and recruitment function, overhauling management systems or turning around poor performance in quality audits. 

Often I started with no information other than “You’re responsible for this now. Read these files and good luck”. It was up to me to work out what was needed and deliver on time.

I’m now blending my broad business knowledge with my ability to pinpoint a path through chaos and my keen eye for detail. All to help you get more done quickly and painlessly.

You can call me your Operations Manager or your Business Wing-Woman. Whatever you want, I’m not fussy.

Other things you need to know about me:

I have a law degree and a couple of professional qualifications in HR and quality management.

When I’m not working, you’ll find me travelling the world searching for the best chocolate cake. And when I’m not doing that, I’m lifting weights in the gym to make sure the cake doesn’t take me over. 🐽



Bogged down? Nah. You’ll be flying!

You’ll never feel like you’ve made it in your business. That’s not who you are. There will always be more people to help, things to make better, and new ideas to action.

Right now, there’s so much to do, you’re only just staying afloat. Things stay lingering on your list, holding you back.

At the end of our work together, you’ll have everything out of your head and into order. 

You’ll have shown your to-do list who’s boss and made massive leaps forward.

Your ideas will be a reality. ✅

Improvements: sorted. ✅

Gaps filled and risk minimised. ✅

You’ll be chasing down those once-scary goals, whether that’s working with A-list clients, bagging high-profile speaking gigs, writing your book, or unleashing a whole new arm of your empire. 

All safe in the knowledge that your ducks are in a row, and you’ll never get caught with your pants down.

The cost: £4,450 or six monthly payments of £750.


As soon as you’re ready! Book a call with me so we can make sure we’re a good fit, and then it’s all systems go. 👍

NOTE: I can only support three clients in the Power Partnership at any one time and currently only have two spaces left, so if you’re keen, get in touch ASAP!

I suggest two sessions a month to keep up the momentum, but you know your business best. If you want fewer sessions over a longer period, that works for me.

I’m an affiliate of KoffeeKlatch Ltd, legal and data protection experts who’ve been supporting small businesses since the 1980s. KoffeeKlatch has designed a thorough but common-sense GDPR compliance process that I take my clients through.

The process is contained in an online DIY course which I access and work through on your behalf. I cover all the costs associated with accessing the course.

If your business has particularly complex data collection arrangements or handles extremely sensitive data, we will likely need additional technical expertise directly from KoffeeKlatch at a charge of £250+VAT per hour.

However, for most micro-businesses I support, data collection is minimal, so working through the KoffeeKlatch course is straightforward, with no additional support needed.

Don’t worry, we’ll discuss all the details on a chemistry call before signing any work agreements, so I know exactly what I’m dealing with and can give you a clearer idea of whether we’ll need to buy any additional support. I’ll also be honest with you if I think you need way more support than I can give and signpost you elsewhere at no charge.

If you need support with improving your contracts and other legal documents, I recommend that you also use KoffeeKlatch for these. You can purchase templates designed specifically for micro and small businesses, and I will follow the guidance that comes with them to personalise them for your business. 

There is a range of templates already available for various industries from coaches and trainers to graphic designers, web designers, and bookkeepers. The cost of the premium level documents, which can be fully personalised, is currently £250+VAT.

If your business type isn’t currently catered for by the KoffeeKlatch contract offerings, they will work with us to modify an existing template from their library, so it fits the specifics of your business. They offer power hours to do this, each costing £250+VAT. Based on my experience, one power hour is usually enough to get the job done.

There’s no need to make any contract purchases from KoffeeKlatch before joining me in the Power Partnership. I will provide links that will secure a discount for you when we get started.

The cost for my work on your GDPR compliance and contracts is included in your Power Partnership fees.

Full disclosure: As an affiliate of KoffeeKlatch Ltd, I will earn a small commission (usually enough to buy a coffee), on any product you purchase from them using any of the affiliate links I provide.

It’ll vary from call to call. Usually work to finish implementing things we’ve discussed or sending over necessary info so I can do my bit.

No. The whole point of us working together is to lighten the burden on you as a solo business owner.

We’ll recap the agreed actions at the end of each call, and I’ll send a summary to remind you.

Click the button 👆 and follow the instructions to book a call so we can check we’re a good fit. Then we’ll get cracking!


Emma Watkins is the sole Director of Prospero Planning Ltd, a planning consultancy working exclusively with local councils across Wales. Emma has been in business since 2012 and we’ve been working together continuously since 2021. Click here to read the video transcript.

“I had the pleasure of working with Caroline last year. I don’t mind planning, and I felt like I had a lot of the pieces of the puzzle to professionalise my business, but fitting them all together, noticing the gaps and actually getting the ruddy work done felt nigh on impossible.

The particular things that I wanted to get sorted were my onboarding process, starting to use my new Ts & Cs, having standard operating procedures for the key processes in my business and the whole GDPR nightmare. These things never made it to the top of my to do list. It was the business equivalent of sticking my fingers in my ears and shouting ‘la la la!’ loudly enough to drown out the sound of these important but not very exciting things that needed to get done.

Caroline helped me to prioritise everything so it was easier for me to handle. Not only did she keep me on task, so I got everything done, but it was so good to have her to bounce ideas around with too. She has such wide-ranging knowledge and experience.

After working with Caroline I felt much calmer. More in control. I felt like I’d taken a step up in my business by making sure that the essential tasks had been taken care of. I don’t like the idea of leaving great potholes of unnecessary risk in my business- working with Caroline filled in these holes and left me so much more confident in my ability to grow my business without those baked in fault lines.

Thanks so much Caroline!”

Janine Coombes, Janine Coombes Marketing

“Before working with Caroline, I was overwhelmed and disorganised with a side order of that sinking feeling. I run my business alone and was stuck in a rut with no one to turn to. I often said I was missing a business partner to bounce ideas off and share the load. I knew some things needed to change, to improve, but all I could see was a huge task ahead of me with no time to tackle it.

Caroline and I started working together back in January 2022 and I’m now feeling much more in control of my business. For example, admin tasks that would take me too long before have been simplified. Plus, I’m a little less hard on myself and my achievements thanks to Caroline reminding me.

My relationship with Caroline has been one of the best working relationships I’ve formed since becoming self-employed a decade ago. It can be a lonely place running your own business and just having somebody who understands, doesn’t panic, and listens to my rants and magically works it into an action plan has been a total lifesaver.

I would absolutely recommend Caroline to others. I don’t think there is anything she can’t help a business owner with. She approaches everything in a very organised and logical way, and even though at times she must have thought I was a bit crazy she was always professional! I like her reminders too, someone holding me to account.

Thank you for all your help, Caroline. I’m looking forward to continuing to work together.”

Emma Watkins, Prospero Planning Ltd

“Caroline provided strategic advice in a number of areas for Sandstone Technology’s UK subsidiary. This included reviewing global policies to confirm their suitability for the UK market and helping define a staff lifecycle and career management process that takes account of UK legislation and standard practices. She also provided useful insights and experiences gathered in relation to ISO and quality management that gave us a head start on our work to become compliant in ISO 27001.

Caroline is conscientious and punctual about her work – with regular updates on progress and spend – and clear in her communications. She has extremely broad knowledge of numerous business areas and has freed up time for senior members of the team.”

Andy Thompson, Former Executive General Manager (Europe),

Sandstone Technology Pty Ltd

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