
What to do if your business is driving you crazy and you’re not making enough money

Are you running yourself ragged trying to get your business off the ground?

Have you taken course after course, joined free challenges, read a million books and followed dozens of experts?

Did you keep everything on hold until you’d built your website, only to find that no one ever visits it?

What about social media? Did you set up accounts on every platform with no real clue what to do or what to talk about?

Do you turn up to all the networking meetings in town, nervously giving pitches you know aren’t very good to people you have nothing in common with?

Have you ever agreed to do work you don’t want to do for people you don’t really like?

All the while, you’re switching your focus every few weeks. Maybe you should help this person or that person?

Perhaps you should create a course or sell some templates?

Possibly a power hour?


And take a breath.

You’re trying to make things too big and complicated for where you are right now.

Strip everything back.

Get clear on:

 – When you want to work

 – Who you want to work with (and who you don’t)

 – What you can sell with the least effort and make the most money on.

Clue: in the beginning, it won’t be courses that need sophisticated and pricey tech to package and sell them. The path of least resistance is to sell your expertise through in-person sessions.

Focus on who you want to work with and really get to understand what problems they have and how you can solve them. That will help you to:

 – Make sure that they want what you’re selling.

 – Choose the best one or two socials to focus on (you can add more later by paying people to help you).

 – Write posts quickly and easily AND get people asking to work with you.

 – Nail a clear and concise pitch for your networking meetings and choose suitable events to attend.

 – Avoid working with people who ask you to cut your prices and treat you badly.

 – Build a website that people actually visit, and which makes them buy from you…eventually. This is a longer-term project you don’t need to worry about initially.

Then you’ve got to hold your nerve and give it all time to work. Don’t be tempted by those shiny new things popping up in your Facebook ads promising the earth!

If you’ve done a thorough job on the basics, they will start to work.


If you’re stressed out with too much to do and nothing is working, it’s time to stop doing everything and go back to basics. Get clear on:

1) When you want to work

2) Who you want to work with (this person is otherwise known as your ideal client)

3) Who you don’t want to work with

4) What you want to sell and make sure it’s what your ideal client wants to buy.

5) The problems your ideal client is dealing with so you can explain how your solution will help them in all your marketing activities.

Tired of going round in circles and hoping for the best?

Ready for a steady stream of clients at last? Let me help you. Check out my Business Blast Off programme for details on how.


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